12 May 2008

such a mom

i know, i know, i'm such a mom with my cats, but hey...my sister hasn't had her baby yet...just wait until THAT happens...anyway, i couldn't help myself...the kitty cats were hanging around, snuggling up on my lap on mother's day and i re-discovered the close-up setting on the digital camera. i really need to take a class like i've been meaning too so i can get more educated in the photography world...for now, some shots of "the boys"...

first off, we have ben

and then stuart

i know i'm a partial "mom," but i do think they are quite pretty cats. it's not quite as evident from these pictures, but typically it seems the consensus is that ben is "prettier" and stuart is "cuter"...they have been such fun to have, although frustrating and naughty at times...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

super cute kitties! hey - no need to apologize you got another obsessive kitty mom over here! great BWs!